Start & Run a Chapter

Resources for Chapter Leaders

Welcome to the Family

Are you a new chapter leader or just want some extra tips on running your chapter? Welcome! We're here to help get you set up!

Chapter President Orientation

Learn more about what CCR does, your role in it, and how to start and run your amazing chapter!

Start or Grow Your Chapter

Check out these tools for chapter growth!

More About CCR

For a deeper dive into CCR and how it operates, check out these resources.

How to Run a Meeting: Robert's Rules

Bylaws (your club constitution) and parliamentary procedure are sets of rules and formal procedure that help facilitate voting and debate to ensure everyone’s rights are respected. A parliamentary procedure can be any set of rules and guidelines a group formally establishes to govern themselves, with "Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised)" being the most common type.

Those that help interpret and give guidance on following parliamentary procedure are called parliamentarians, and there are only a handful of official parliamentarians in the state of California. Alumni members Chairman Emerita Kimo Gandall and Dylan Martin and Internal Affairs Director Emeritus Anthony Mansfield are a few of these official parliamentarians. If you'd like to become a parliamentarian, you can take the test to be admitted to the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP).