Training Summit Agenda

Updated Friday, September 22nd. Subject to change.

Friday, September 29th
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm | Cortona Inn Hotel Check-in | Cortona Inn, 2029 S Harbor Blvd | Please call or text Dylan Martin at 760-710-7599 if arriving late
  • 4:30pm | CCR Leadership Only* — Volunteer Organizations Meeting | Anaheim Marriott
  • 5:00pm | CCR Leadership Only* — Rules Committee Meeting | Anaheim Marriott
  • 8:00pm | Shawn Steel Cigar Social | Anaheim Marriott, Platinum Courtyard
  • 9:00pm | OCGOP Welcome Reception & Mixer | Anaheim Marriott, Platinum Ballroom 9

*Event mainly for CCR leadership, but any member who bought a $50 CAGOP registration ticket (separate from the CCR $35 or $75 ticket) may attend

Saturday, September 30th
  • 9:00am | CAGOP Southern Region Meeting* | Anaheim Marriott
  • 10:15am | CCR Meeting with CAGOP Officials & Candidates | Anaheim Marriott, Platinum 3 & 4
  • 11:30am | Lunch (Sandwich boxes)
  • 12:00pm - 4:00pm | CCR Training | Homewood Suites, 2010 S Harbor Blvd
  • 1:00pm - 3:00pm | Associate Delegates only** — Associate Rep Vote | Anaheim Marriott
  • 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Catholic Mass | Anaheim Marriott
  • 6:30pm | Optional meet in Lobby to go to Downtown Disney and get dinner (Dinner not included)
  • 9:00pm | Various Socials and Mixers | Anaheim Marriott

*Events for any member who bought a $50 CAGOP registration ticket (separate from the CCR $35 or $75 ticket) who is registered to vote or lives in Orange County, San Diego County, Riverside County, Imperial County, or San Bernardino County.

**Events is for any member who bought a $50 CAGOP registration ticket (separate from the CCR $35 or $75 ticket)

Sunday, June 23
  • 9:00am | CAGOP-registered attendees only* — CAGOP General Session

*Event for any member who bought a $50 CAGOP registration ticket (separate from the CCR $35 or $75 ticket)

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